
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

More Fleece Baby Blankets

I love making these little fleece blankets.  As I buy a lot of remnants, the sizes of my baby blankets vary.


  1. Lay wrong sides of fleece together.
  2. Trim them to the same size
  3. Fold the blanket into a square so all 4 corners are stacked together
  4. Using a paper plate as a guide, round the corners.  Mark the top layer and then use it as a guide to cut the remaining layers

5.  After you have rounded the corners, stitch around the entire blanket using a 1 to 1 1/4" seam.
6.  Cut small slits around the outside edge about 1/4" apart

7.  Using embroidery floss (all 6 strands) and tie knots either randomly (as in the floral blanket) or in a pattern (in the I Love You blanket) Coupon Corner


  1. This sure looks like something I should be able to handle lol :-) Thanks so much for linking up to the hobbies linky!

  2. Just gorgeous! and a great 'how to' as well!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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