Thursday, February 13, 2025

Memory Planner Pages - Classic Size

I created these pages for my Memory Planner.  I didn't have a lot that went on these 2 weeks, so I didn't have many pictures to work with.  I included a graphic at the end of this post of how I create my photos.  

You can watch my Planner Lineup Video here to see how I created my Memory Planner for 2025.

The top page I used stickers from Live Love Posh's Functionally Chic Orange Blooms and boxes from Mojo-Jojo Plans.  In the bottom page, I used Kellofaplan's sticker book, Family Life Basics.  Dates are from Moj-Jojo Plans sticker books.  

You can watch my Plan With Me on my YouTube channel for these 2 pages.  

You can find the non-affiliate links to all of the shops mentioned above here.  

This is a graphic on how I print my photos

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Decorative Planning - A5 Journal - Valentine's Theme

I'm finally caught up with adding my spreads from the last few months to this blog.  I sure have missed posting here.  This week of February 10th in my Happy Planner dot grid journal I did a Valentine theme.  The first spread I used stickers from Amber Plans Her Day Winter Memories.  The second spread I used Pastel Hearts set from my Etsy shop, Indiana Inker Plans.  In the third spread I used some stickers I had left over from an Amber Plans Her Day sticker sheet.  The last spread are stickers from an older Happy Planner sticker book.  Most of the box stickers are from Mojo-Jojo Plans.  I love hearts, so these spreads were a lot of fun to make.  

You can find the non-affiliate links to all of the shops mentioned above here.

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Quick Sticker Book Flip Throughs

I have several Quick Sticker Book Flip Through videos on my YouTube channel from The Happy Planner, Kellofaplan, Mojo-Jojo Plans, Amber Plans Her Day, Planything and Live Love Posh!  Although, other than The Happy Planner and Mojo-Jojo Plans, most sticker books are not restocked. You may be able to find them in BST (Buy, Sale, Trade) groups on Facebook, Marketplace or eBay.  This is a quick way to see the inside with no talking - just flipping.  :)    

You can view the playlist here from my channel.  Be sure to save it so you'll have quick access to it.  

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

My 2025 Planner Line Up

I started decorative planning in 2018 and have had so much fun.  I started with a Happy Planner mini planner and have had many planners since then.  This year I have 4 planners that I'm using regularly.  

  1. Back Planner - 2025 Kellofaplan Classic Vertical Seasonal
  2. Budget Planner - 2025 Kellofaplan
  3. Memory Planner - I made my own using covers and discs I had on hand, along with dividers from Kellofaplan and filler paper from Live Love Posh
  4. Journal - Happy Planner A5 dot grid journal
  5. On the go - Happy Planner mini - I don't decorate this planner
You can watch my Planner Line Up video here on my YouTube channel

What planners are you using this year?

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

Indiana Inker Plans - New Sticker Sheet Releases - February 7, 2025

This was a BIG release week for my Etsy shop, Indiana Inker Plans!  I added 12 new listings with a total of 43 sticker sheets!!  I started releasing the monthly scripts and holidays in December.  I had some extra time one weekend and decided to do the rest of the year and add them in the shop early.  These holiday sheets are great if you have more than 1 planner and like to put the holidays in your monthly and weekly spreads.  January - March were released earlier, so they are in the shop as well.  I had the idea to do these because I always had so many holiday stickers left when I bought "annual holiday sheets".  This way, you can just order the holidays that you will use.  For the first month or so you can find these in the February New Listings category in the shop, after that they will be in their respective categories or you can search them according to the title in the below photos. 

In addition to all of the new listings, I also updated 3 listings - Ethnic Foods, Mardi Gras and National Food Holidays.  

To get an up close look, check out the video on my YouTube channel.  


I added Korean and Mexican

I added the 2 smaller sheets

I updated the dates and year

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

Classic Planner Spread - BRRRRR

This week in my classic back planner we had REALLY cold temperatures here in Indiana.  There were several days with temps in the single digits with windchills as low as -20!!   Luckily, I work inside, but a lot of my co-workers are out in the elements.  I didn't have any icicle stickers, so I created some and added them to my Etsy shop, Indiana Inker Plans.  

I did a Plan With Me video for this spread.  I did change the sticker sheets a little bit before I released them in the shop.  Watch the video to see where the other stickers came from.  

This spread is in my Kellofaplan classic vertical seasonal planner for 2025.  

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

Classic Planner Spread - Rustic Fall

I love the way this spread turned out!  All of these stickers are from my Etsy shop, Indiana Inker Plans.  There are several listings to choose from in this Rustic Fall Collection.  

I decided I wanted to get back to posting on my blog.  I've been absent from it for the past couple of  years.  I've been posting the past few days some planner spreads from the last several months.  I think I'm getting caught up, unless I decide to go back even further.  I love sharing my spreads, but they don't seem to be getting noticed much on Facebook or Instagram.  I tried TikTok, but just couldn't get into it for posting.  I'm not into doing reels and that's pretty much what TikTok and Instagram prefer.  

Feel free to scroll through the posts or click on "Decorative Planning" in the "Crafty Categories" on the right hand side of this blog.  I've had this blog since 2010, so there are other crafts on here as well since I only started decorative planning in 2018.  I also enjoy sewing, crocheting and home decor, so there are several of those posts as well.  I did card making for a few years as well, which is why I started this blog to begin with, so there are a lot of handmade cards on here as well.  Grab a cup of coffee, tea or a glass of wine and enjoy browsing.  As of this posting this blog is not monetized, so you won't be pelted with numerous ads.   If you like what you see, be sure to subscribe so you'll know when I post new content. 

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At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links. 

Classic Planner Spread - National Dog Day

National Dog Day was August 26th in 2024, so since I had these cute stickers, I decided to do a spread.  These stickers are from Fun Holidays sticker book from Amber Plans Her Day.  Box stickers are from Mojo-Jojo Plans.  I'm not a pet owner, but I do like dogs and most cats.  :)  I loved how cute this spread turned out.   Most of the scripts are from my Etsy shop, Indiana Inker Plans.  

You can find the non-affiliate links to all of the shops mentioned above here.  

Be sure to follow me in all of your favorite places - 

At the time of this posting, none of the links, other than those that are links to my direct sites are affiliate links.