**** These shops are personal favorites from doing business with them. I receive no commissions or additional discounts from them.
5/18/19 - I've recently started a YouTube channel and have done a video on my favorite sticker shops.
When contacting Briana, she is quick to reply and very friendly. She ships fairly quick as well. I've only ordered from her during a sale, so I'm sure that increases shipping time. I love her 50% off sales!! She Shopify store has reduced prices from her Etsy shop.
Plan to Plan is the first shop I ordered from. She is very quick to ship. We usually have our stickers with a week!!! And, her shop is usually 40% off!!
She has great prices, but is slow in shipping.
I love her mini stickers. I use them for bullet points.
Lexington Flair is a new favorite. I discovered her around the first of September (2018).

Imagine That By Lori is now added to the list of my favorite shops. I placed my first order in November (2018) and my 2nd in December. She has quality stickers with very fast shipping.
5/1/19 - I've placed a couple of orders with Coffee Break Planner and have been impressed, so I'm adding her to my list of favorite shops.
August 2019

Sweet South Sticker Co is my newest favorite shop. I don't typically care for character stickers, but I fell in love with her Koala stickers.

I didn't realize that I hadn't yet added The Crafty Student to my favorites list. She isn't on Etsy, but her shop is very user friendly and she usually has great sales.
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Thank you for this list.